Hi Everyone! I hope September’s Cosmic Calendar finds you happy and healthy. Always my best to you and yours.
Strong-willed and independent, the Emperor executes plans that are based on solid foundations. Inner stability born from chaos pays off now as we prepare to embrace new groups, fresh ideas and more hopeful attitudes.
Maturity is a hallmark of the Emperor and the number 4 represents stability so we ask ourselves if we’re approaching projects and relationships with emotional intelligence, mental fitness and the inspiration to rise to the challenges.
Bold and pioneering Aries is the first one out of the gate in the zodiac. Keep an Eagle eye on your ego as the inherent youthful and dangerous arrogance that comes with this charismatic and charming sign doesn’t win the hearts of the people (meaning the different parts of the psyche and those in the outer world).
Loyalty and commitment combined with energy and vision ground us as we’re propelled forward into cosmic consciousness cultivating self-respect through intimacy that excites, discipline that grounds and vision that inspires.
The well-dignified Emperor, which can be a woman or a man, is masculine and takes action on intelligent, well-thought-out plans.
Keywords: Stability, Maturity, Structure, Loyalty, Discipline, Excitement
Spiritual disciplines that combine energy, mental discipline and physical movement such as Yoga, Martial Arts and Dance can help channel the libido/kundalini energy into a loving and exhilarating embrace of true spiritual power.
Recommended Reading: Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
Astrological Currents:
September 3rd - Venus goes direct. The planet of love and abundance, Venus has been retrograde since July 22nd, 2023 and will begin moving forward once again on September 3rd. The retrograde season of Venus could have brought resolution to some problems of the past in the way of either change or closure. This is a great time to let go of any grudges, hurts and resentments. Your healed heart and new attitude will certainly make space for more love and companionship as Venus direct offers up the much needed warmth and encouragement to begin once again.
September 14th - New Moon in Virgo
Virgo is the sign of health, home and service and isn’t afraid to put in the work that brings a simple brilliance to everything it touches. Virgo season is the beginning of the yearly harvest and there’s an innate enjoyment of the process of growth. Why? Because there’s a reward at the end of it.
Intentions for this New Moon could speak to a stronger sense of service and community and overall good health. Virgo says you deserve the best and to bring this about, begin with the simple, authentic things. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve when you start with the basics and work your way up.
September 15th - Mercury goes Direct Hopefully you’ve had the chance to revise those projects, clean out the closets and revisit the past to heal it and release it. If not, you’ll have more opportunities to do so until the 15th. Think of this as a time to improve whatever it is your working on. Virgo tends toward perfectionism and yes, it can cause problems, but it’s not always a bad thing. It can move you toward that masterpiece sacrificing mediocrity for greatness. Just saying.
Watch your words and focus on clear communication because confusion could cause problems. Don’t let sentiment be lost in translation, say what you mean and mean what you say.
Mercury Rx’s motto? When in doubt, sleep on it.
Give situations some time to gel there may be more information coming that would be helpful in accomplishing your goals or working things out.
On the 15th Mercury, the ruler of Virgo goes direct. The shadow period of Mercury Rx can linger for about a week but overall it’s safe to get those electronics, move toward major purchases and leap forward again.
One caveat I’d like to share about Mercury Rx or any retrograde period and taking action. I’ve found that if you’ve already had a project in the works and you’ve been needing to launch it out into the world, you can do so during Mercury Rx. That just might be the thing that needs revisiting and reworking. Always trust your intuition and do what feels right.
(Mercury will go retro again on Dec. 13 2023 - Jan. 1st 2024 for the holidays, just FYI)
September 23rd - Sun Enters Libra
Exit Virgo…enter Libra. Libra turns up the volume on the finer things in life. If Virgo is the Salt of the Earth, Libra is the upscale, flavored, social Salt. You could feel more balanced around fun and relationships as Libra asks us to share ourselves with the world. The sense of self that we’ve been exploring in the last 6 signs craves some company as we prepare to couple-up for the longer and chillier nights of the year.
September 23rd - Autumn Equinox (Northern Hemisphere)
The Autumn Equinox is a time when the sun’s center crosses the celestial equator, a line that divides the northern and southern hemisphere’s. This is a great time to ritualize gratitude as in journaling or ceremonies around the fire (safely), maybe parties that allow you to celebrate life in all her seasons. Nourishing food and drink will bring just the right touch to the end of summer so get those outdoor gatherings in while you can.
At this time, the day is at ‘almost' equal length of time, 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night, another Libran balance. This is slightly different in some places such as Alaska but still pretty equal. Autumn begins as plant and tree life begin to slow, temperatures chill and the nights get longer. Our natural energies are being pulled toward hibernation and leaves begin to do their exquisite death dance with an explosion of colors seen in the fall foliage.
At the Winter Solstice on December 21st, 2023 we, in the northern hemisphere, experience the longest and darkest night of the year. After that, the light begins its return and we’re slowly pulled toward the fresh energy of Spring.
Overall, September encourages us to take the lead in our own lives as we respect and adhere to natural law and nature’s beautiful yet bittersweet ways.
Relationships from the past could appear and as they say there’s a reason that ex’s are ex’s. If it didn’t work the first time you’ll be reminded as to why it won’t work again. Clarity, truth and closure could prove to be liberating and provide a much needed jolt forward.
Venus and Mercury direct could catapult you into the seat of your personal power, a new role in career and into the arms of that soft-place-to-fall. You could find yourself rocking steady with a new love by the end of the month as well as a new flow of financial abundance.
Intuitively, I’m feeling simple changes leading to a more natural lifestyle will bring profoundly beautiful revelations about personal power, spiritual power, love and new directions.
Much Love,
Rebecca Bloom
Cosmic Calendar is a monthly update on the spiritual weather for the month provided by Rebeccca Bloom. Rebecca is a Spiritual Mentor, Professional Tarot Card Reader, Medium, Reiki Master & Teacher & Meditation/Drumming Facilitator. She's been practicing professionally since 2002. She resides on the East End of Pittsburgh with her Master of Zen and beloved Therapy Cat, Sampson.
Visit Rebecca's Website